Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cost in Translation

The translator doesn't want me to videotape her, but I overheard a few bits …some confusion about why we are filming here and who we are. Suddenly there was a big jump in the cost for our evening shoot/access to the Temple of Hephaestus. George was not pleased.

The location manager for The Mysteries is a nice midwestern guy named Hank Shaeffer…

He was on the phone all day yesterday trying to work out the kinks in our location access...

It didn't help that the translator seemed to have her own agenda.

Turns out somebody thought he was Frank Schaeffler, that German politician who dissed Greece this past week by saying that "giving money to the Greeks would be like giving schnapps to an alcoholic"... and that the Greeks should sell their ancient artefacts to pay off their debt.

Frank Schaeffler
thétontas to pódi tou
sto stóma tou ?

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